I just want to extend a special thank you to Abraham Ward . A couple of my team members have expressed they are in pain or discomfort from things they have done both inside work and outside of work. I have suggested that they go to Abraham for a little professional physical therapy advise . Everyone that I have referred to him he has taken under his radar and helped them all a great deal. Either with just words of his wisdom or actions from his knowledge. I myself have also gone to him for advise on many different things like the way people are sitting or different stretches we can do as a team to help everyone work muscles they would not normally work. He is very knowledgeable and there is not a person that has left his office disappointed. One of my team members didn’t like to go to a male therapist but after I convinced her she was very happy with the outcome he gave her. He is also very good at following up on problems that have occurred to make sure there was a good outcome from the issues. I have never had a company who had this benefit for there employees but I truly think it is a wonderful perk for helping everyone on our team stay health and not in pain.