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Text Neck:

What is text neck?This informal term has been coined to explain the changes seen in the neck with prolonged forward head posture from using a smart phone or other electronic device. As seen in the visual, with increased forward bend of the neck, the weight of the head increases on the neck.

  • Pain in neck, upper back, or shoulders
  • Neck and upper back stiffness
  • Intermittent or constant headaches
  • Forward head posture and rounded shoulders
  • Nerve pain with numbness or tingling into upper limbs

Titanic Stretch:

Stand tall, chin up. Lift arms out to the side and slightly behind body. Pull fingers back and hold for 5 seconds and repeat 5 times.

A thumbnail of a physical therapist describing titanic stretch

Chin Tucks:

Start in a relaxed sitting or standing position. Look straight ahead. Place finger on chin. Without moving finger, pull the chin and head straight back until stretch is felt. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

A thumbnail of a physical therapist describing chin tucks activation

Start in a relaxed sitting or standing position. Look straight ahead. Place finger on chin. Without moving finger, pull the chin and head straight back until stretch is felt. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat 10 times.

  • Hold your device at eye level or prop up on a table or other surface.
  • Slight tuck your chin and roll shoulder blades backwards when holding phone.
  • Take breaks and adjust positions every 10-15 minutes.
  • Analyze posture and complete posture exercises.