OSSPT Insights

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OSSPT Insights Aug 2024

Microbreaks andCounteracting Stretches: : What is a Microbreak? A microbreak is a short activity that helps tobreak up the repetition of physically or mentally draining tasks whichshould occur every 20-30 minutes. It is best to do something active likestanding up, stretching, or moving around. Completing counter actingstretches throughout the day helps to encourage blood flow, … Read more

The Benefits of Stretching

When you consider all the benefits, making a case for regular stretching is easy. From improving how your body feels and functions day and night to supporting the unseen coordination and movement patterns – stretching makes a big impact. We’ve broken it down into three categories listed below. Makes a body betterBasically, stretching simply makes … Read more

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Seeing a PT first just may prevent surgery Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) occurs when the median nerve in your wrist gets compressed because you do the same hand movements repeatedly. It happens to 1 out of 20 people in the United States. You might feel like your hand is asleep or have … Read more

June Insights

The Health Trifecta: Health, Wellness and Injury Prevention The three pillars of health are: nutrition, physical exercise, and sleep. All three work together and affect each other. For example, not getting enough sleep may lead to sugar and carb cravings. If you don’t eat well, you may not feel like working out. Maintaining a healthy … Read more

Pain and Productivity

Pain and Productivity   Pain is a complex, personal experience and can be influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. It can be associated with actual tissue damage or act as a signal to protect the body from a potential injury. Therefore, pain does not necessarily mean a physical injury has occurred and the experience of pain can … Read more

Knee OA

Knee Osteoarthritis and Physical Therapy First: What is Knee Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis or OA (degeneration of the cartilage and bone) is the most common joint disorder in the United States. The incidence of knee OA has increased due to aging and obesity in the general population. Knee OA affects approximately 19% of Americans aged 45 or … Read more

Mental Health and Pain

Mental Health and Pain: What is Mental Health? Mental health is the ability to handle stressors, relate to others and make choices in healthy ways. It is multifaceted which includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental health can be affected by intrinsic or extrinsic factors and can change throughout the lifetime. It can greatly affect … Read more

Shin Splints: If the shoe fits…

Footwear Considerations Proper footwear can decrease the risk for shin splints. Wear the right footwear for the right activity and replace shoes/boots often. If the shoes are showing wear on the outside, it is a good indicator that the insoles are not supportive anymore. More Ideas to Prevent Shin Splints: Strengthening Ideas: Heel Walking/Toe Raises … Read more

Shin Splints: Gait Ch-Ch-Changes!

Shin Splints: Gait Deviations What are Shin Splints? Pain or tenderness along the shinbone which often occurs after increasing physical activity rapidly or with jobs that require a lot of walking or standing for long periods of time. Generally, comes on slowly over time but if not treated properly can progress to a stress fracture. … Read more