OSSPT in the Media
Time for a Change: Disrupting Healthcare in a Time of Need

Watch Melissa Gill of On-Site Solutions PT and Thompson Aderinkomi of Nice Healthcare discuss what it will take to truly change healthcare!
Working Through the Pandemic Webinar Series Webinar 3:
Young, Healthy and COVID-Positive: A Physical Therapist’s Experience with COVID-19
It’s likely that you and your employees know someone who has been testing for or diagnosed with COVID-19. While this virus affects everyone differently, understanding personal experiences can help us as we continue to build support systems for our employees. Hear from Joe Weber about his experience with COVID-19 and what he has done moving forward to build his strength back up and keep his body moving in the right direction.
During this webinar, we’ll discuss:
- The required differences in approach for rehabilitation and general strengthening for individuals recovering from COVID-19
- Specific physical rehabilitation programs for individuals recovering from COVID-19
- Personal navigation through COVID-19 and common lasting effects
Webinar 2: Boots on the Ground:
Impact of and Solutions for Musculoskeletal Injury Related to Quarantine with Lisa Marais, DPT and Tiffany Vreeman, PT, MPT, CWC
Whether your employees are making their way back to work or are still working remotely from home, being mindful of how a change in work environments can affect the body is crucial to helping your work force stay healthy and injury free. Differing activity levels have direct consequences on musculoskeletal risk factors; we will discuss this concept using examples from our recent experiences on the shop floor and the construction site, and outline strategies for decreasing risk.
During this webinar, you will learn:
- How differing levels of physical activity during furlough or work-from-home can affect risk of MSK (musculoskeletal) disorders
- Strategies to support injury prevention for employees returning to work after quarantine to decrease right of MSK on the job
- Strategies to support injury prevention for employees who are still working from home
Webinar 1: Working Through the Pandemic:
Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 with Kevin Smith, MA, LMFT
The first of our three part series featured an interview between Melissa Gill, Owner and CEO of On-Site Solutions Physical Therapy, and Kevin Smith, MA, LMFT. They discussed the mental health of employees as the pandemic continues. Kevin provided some great insights and resources (below) about staying mentally healthy in uncertain times.
Crisis hotline numbers:
Free mental health volunteer hotline: 833-HERE4MN (833-437-3466)