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Slips, Trips and Falls:

Slips: This happens when there isn’t enough grip between your foot and the surface, making you lose balance. Slips are more likely if you rush, run, or wear the wrong shoes.

Trips: A trip occurs when your foot hits something and makes you lose your balance. This often happens when you’re rushing or not paying attention.

Falls: A fall happens when your body shifts too far off balance. Falls are a leading cause of accidents at work.

A construction worker falling from a ladder
An elderly female being helped through the door

As people get older, their walking can change. They might take shorter steps and walk more slowly. Their balance and reaction time can also get worse. Because of these changes, older people might be more likely to trip or slip and find it harder to catch themselves when they fall.

Good balance is important at every age because it helps us react to unexpected situations. Balance comes from our eyesight, our inner ear, and our body’s sense of where we are. As people get older, their balance usually gets worse, so it’s good for everyone to practice and improve it. Before working on your balance, make sure you’re in a safe, open space. You can also talk to a physical therapist for more help with balance exercises. Easy balance challenge: stand on 1 foot while brushing your teeth in the morning and the opposite foot at night.


Look for shoes with a strong, slip-resistant bottom.


The shoes shouldn’t be too loose or too tight.


Look for light weight. Heavier shoes can make you shuffle your feet and make it harder to avoid tripping over things.

A shoe with a thick textured sole
A picture of feet on a shoe sizing chart.
A picture of a shoe that is a medium weight.
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